Thursday, September 25, 2008

These two scumbags are about to steal half your money. John McCain and Barack Obama are thieves

Warning, John McCain and Barack Obama will use their influence over the masses to sell us this new CEO bailout. I expected it out of Obama, but are we finally learning that John McCain is going to 100% sell us out? During an election nonetheless? This should be political suicide for both of them, unfortunately they can probably sell enough of it to make it work.

I am confident that Obama's supporters will quickly fall in line, because whatever he says is their bible, but the republicans should be a tougher sell. I don't think McCain will be able to close the deal with most of us, that's why Obama will probably win this election. Who really knows, maybe they already flipped a coin.

Anyway, 700 billion in new money, wow. Well we don't have it, we can't borrow it, so we are going to have to print it. Which means our money is worth less every day that goes by, and soon enough, it will be worthless. When it hits the streets it's going to be total chaos. $10.00 gas and milk, people will freak out. I hope people will wake up and start reacting, but I fear it may be too late.

I'm an American Dammit, and this bailout is B.S. I don't pay for other people's mistakes. I'm an American Dammit, when I make bad decisions, I live with the consequences

So what if a Wall Street CEO's grandchildren have to go to Public Schools, boo hoo. My back hurts, my credit cards are maxed and I don't have a savings account, am I asking you to help me out?

Leave me the hell alone you rotten scumbags, and next time I catch you near my wallet you'll be sore for a week.

Country First? Give me a fucking break, John McCain isn't helping anything in Washington, and he certainly didn't stop campaigning

Let's face it, John McCain is a lying sack of excrement who will do anything to win. He says his campaign is suspended while he tends to the financial crisis in Warshington. What can John McCain actually do about the mess we're in? Nothing, Nada. It stinks, but its probably true.

Back to what you said about stopping your campaign. John you're a fucking lying scumbag. Today I listened to your communications director on AM830 KLAA. He kept saying McCain can't campaign because "you have to put your "County First"... John, that's your fucking slogan! You made your acceptance speech under a huge banner at the RNC that said "Country First." You are saying you shouldn't campaign because of your slogan. I have lost all confidence in your ability to lead. I hope other people are with me on this, John McCain is not fit to lead.

Shockingly, the reports coming from Washington are that he is a distraction and hasn't even contributed anything to the process. It does sound like a president, just not one I want.

I know Obama is a complete peice of shit, but fuck you John, fuck you. They are both rushing us and it's fishy. Plain and simple, if you are trying to push through the biggest transfer of wealth that America has ever seen, you're probably going to want to do it quickly, before the people have a chance to think about it.

With our One party system, we're just like a single parent going bankrupt while we're giving cash to our drug addict teenager.
We need to get our act together and we better do it pretty quick, because pretty soon we won't have computers, because there won't be an Internet or anything else you like, unless we act. Call your congress people, google them, let them know you're outraged, it will work.

Third Parties Greatest Day, the Meltdown of the One Party System

It seems obvious that John McCain and Barack Obama are about to issue a joint statement urging the American people to support this corporate welfare. This bailout is so viscously opposed by almost all of the American People that some polls have this at a 7% approval rating.

I called both of my senators and congressman to voice my concerns, and apparently, a lot of other people have been doing the same

A few things that I heard while I was glued to CSPAN yesterday.

A congressman from New York asked if Wall Street thought it was such a great idea, why don't we make them partners? A few others mentioned that if the assets were worth anything, then why can't they find a buyer?

Some great questions, and it seems like everyone is echoing what Ron Paul was saying on the national stage throughout his entire presidential campaign

The main point, is that everyone is pissed off, and if these two scumbags get together and tell the American people that we need to sign off on this blank check, I think we'll have a serious awakening. It will finally be evident that there is no difference between the two candidates, and they will seal their fate if they both do what we know they are going to do.

The revolt has already started, and the revolution will follow suit. Get ready, we're going to have to build America again

Good luck third parties, its us versus them, and they are digging their own grave

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My crazy uncle; A call for a full psychological evaluation of John McCain

Let me start off by saying that we all have a crazy uncle, and they deserve all the love and respect in the world. Their psychological conditions and impairments are of no concern to anyone but the immediate family, and that's the way it should be for everyone, almost.

I think it's a fair assumption that in order to be a successful president, one must be psychologically sound. I also think it's fair for the general voting public to be privileged to an audited psychological evaluation for all of the major candidates.

There are many reasons that I think John McCain should have a psychological evaluation and publish the results, one of the main reasons is obviously the torture as a prisoner of war. I truly value what Mr. McCain has done for our Country, but I do not feel his mentally capable to lead our country, especially in a time of crisis. Maybe I'm wrong, but the proof is in the pudding

You know, a lot of people say that Ron Paul is nuts, I would have loved to have seen this type of evaluation done during the primaries. Could you imagine the raging jingoism of Rudy Giuliani going through an inkblot test?! Ron Paul would come out evolutionary eras ahead of all the other candidates, democrat or republican.

Again, I think John McCain and Barack Obama should both have to go through psychological evaluations and publish the results before we make our decision

My snickers bar melted! Who is bailing me out? Where's my $1.79?

Yesterday it was about 85-90 degrees, and I left my snickers on the passenger seat. I was shocked when it melted, I didn't know what to do. I was devastated, then I remembered that all those big investment and insurance companies made some bad purchases and the government gave them their money back, so I'm hoping they will do the same for me.

If they don't send me my $1.79, I'll lose my confidence in the candy industry, which will probably cause a run on chocolates, driving sugar demand lower and lower until Domino and C&H file for bankruptcy protection. I'm certified mailing a copy of the receipt and a picture of the melted candy bar to the Federal Reserve, I'll expect a press conference next week.

Ben, thanks in advance!

Good thing Ron Paul isn't in charge! (kidding)

Where the hell is Warshington?

I am very concerned about this place that John McCain wants to take over, the place is called Warshington.

I checked google maps, wikipedia, and a globe and I can't find it, but it sounds like a terrible place that needs some real change, and not that Obama kind of change. I wish John McCain the best in his journey, and hope that US taxpayers aren't footing the bill.

Which leaves us with the race for Washington DC

Last time I checked, Barack Obama was still in the race, and because John McCain is now focusing his campaign on being elected to Warshington, it means the Republicans need a new candidate. I suggest Ron Paul

Dangerous Vietnam Vet John McCain runs for President. Ron Paul is stable

Barack Obama is a bad choice, but John McCain is much worse.

John McCain is a Vietnam Vet, yes a very proud title for any soldier, but have you ever seen a homeless Vietnam Vet? Yeah, we all have, we all think to ourselves "wow, what happened to that guy..."

John McCain was in the Vietnam War twice the amount of time as a regular serviceman, and most of that time as a prisoner of war being tortured.

We all agree on these facts. I ask you to look at it like this: If a few unsupervised minutes as a child causes a girl to become a stripper, hooker or a hair dresser, what the hell does 4+ years of brutal torture do to a man? Trade his suit for a worn army jacket and paper cup and then decide if this man should be president.

Again, we've all seen the homeless, dangerous Vietnam Vets on the street. Yes they deserve our respect but they do not deserve to run the country, at least not on those merits

Just to be safe, Obama is awful and Ron Paul Rules