Saturday, September 20, 2008

My snickers bar melted! Who is bailing me out? Where's my $1.79?

Yesterday it was about 85-90 degrees, and I left my snickers on the passenger seat. I was shocked when it melted, I didn't know what to do. I was devastated, then I remembered that all those big investment and insurance companies made some bad purchases and the government gave them their money back, so I'm hoping they will do the same for me.

If they don't send me my $1.79, I'll lose my confidence in the candy industry, which will probably cause a run on chocolates, driving sugar demand lower and lower until Domino and C&H file for bankruptcy protection. I'm certified mailing a copy of the receipt and a picture of the melted candy bar to the Federal Reserve, I'll expect a press conference next week.

Ben, thanks in advance!

Good thing Ron Paul isn't in charge! (kidding)

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