Thursday, September 25, 2008

These two scumbags are about to steal half your money. John McCain and Barack Obama are thieves

Warning, John McCain and Barack Obama will use their influence over the masses to sell us this new CEO bailout. I expected it out of Obama, but are we finally learning that John McCain is going to 100% sell us out? During an election nonetheless? This should be political suicide for both of them, unfortunately they can probably sell enough of it to make it work.

I am confident that Obama's supporters will quickly fall in line, because whatever he says is their bible, but the republicans should be a tougher sell. I don't think McCain will be able to close the deal with most of us, that's why Obama will probably win this election. Who really knows, maybe they already flipped a coin.

Anyway, 700 billion in new money, wow. Well we don't have it, we can't borrow it, so we are going to have to print it. Which means our money is worth less every day that goes by, and soon enough, it will be worthless. When it hits the streets it's going to be total chaos. $10.00 gas and milk, people will freak out. I hope people will wake up and start reacting, but I fear it may be too late.

I'm an American Dammit, and this bailout is B.S. I don't pay for other people's mistakes. I'm an American Dammit, when I make bad decisions, I live with the consequences

So what if a Wall Street CEO's grandchildren have to go to Public Schools, boo hoo. My back hurts, my credit cards are maxed and I don't have a savings account, am I asking you to help me out?

Leave me the hell alone you rotten scumbags, and next time I catch you near my wallet you'll be sore for a week.

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