Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dangerous Vietnam Vet John McCain runs for President. Ron Paul is stable

Barack Obama is a bad choice, but John McCain is much worse.

John McCain is a Vietnam Vet, yes a very proud title for any soldier, but have you ever seen a homeless Vietnam Vet? Yeah, we all have, we all think to ourselves "wow, what happened to that guy..."

John McCain was in the Vietnam War twice the amount of time as a regular serviceman, and most of that time as a prisoner of war being tortured.

We all agree on these facts. I ask you to look at it like this: If a few unsupervised minutes as a child causes a girl to become a stripper, hooker or a hair dresser, what the hell does 4+ years of brutal torture do to a man? Trade his suit for a worn army jacket and paper cup and then decide if this man should be president.

Again, we've all seen the homeless, dangerous Vietnam Vets on the street. Yes they deserve our respect but they do not deserve to run the country, at least not on those merits

Just to be safe, Obama is awful and Ron Paul Rules

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“The crazy Vietnam Vet” another tired old cliché from the past.


“97% of Vietnam Veterans were honorably discharged

91% of Vietnam Veterans say they are glad they served

74% say they would serve again, even knowing the outcome.

There is no difference in drug usage between Vietnam Veterans and non-Vietnam

Veterans of the same age group (Source: Veterans Administration Study)

Vietnam Veterans are less likely to be in prison - only one-half of one percent of

Vietnam Veterans have been jailed for crimes.

85% of Vietnam Veterans made successful transitions to civilian life. “

Viet Vet
Class of 1968-1970