Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama and McCain are asleep at the wheel. Ron Paul is a Pot of Coffee

McCain and Obama are two faces on a one sided coin, do the math and then quit your party.

I said Ron Paul is America's pot of coffee and Obama and McCain are asleep

Neither talk about our belligerent monetary and foreign policies that will certainly bankrupt our great Country

Forget everything you've ever heard and just look at the math

When you are done, go join a third party

Aggressive foreign policy (Middle East) = Enemies (Al-Qaeda , Former US trained "Rogue Armies") = Jaw dropping unintended consequences of policies that were kept from the American people (911 ) = Wars (Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan) = More Enemies (citizens of the occupied countries {Iraqis}) = More Terrorism and More Wars (Iran?)= Standing Armies and Debt = Deficit spending and the Federal Reserve simply printing the money to pay for the wars = Inflation, Bubbles, Malinvestment (Bear Stearns, Housing, DotCom) = Weaker Dollar ($4.00 gallon gas) = ZERO

But wait, what about the bad investments and wars? What about the Money we owe to China?

OK, carry the four commas, oh no. We're w-a-a-a-a-a-a-y off. Forget it, all bets are off we're filing for Bankruptcy (Tell China we can't pay)

Google: Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader

Stop Google Searching: Obama, McCain

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