Monday, August 18, 2008

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS OVER! Barack Obama offers John McCain a cabinet position, McCain accepts!

The 2008 election season has come to an abrupt halt despite the lack of voting, or any debates between the two candidates.

The big announcement was made at the "Civil Forum" August 16th, 2008 in Lake Forest, California, at 6:45 PM, in front of a cheering live audience. The event was covered by CNN, MSNBC, PBS and Fox (Fox coverage lasted until the announcement, when they cut to an update on Bigfoot and then re-runs of "Hannity's America.")

McCain supporters seem to be happy with the consolation prize, removing any doubt the Republican party knew they were doomed the day McCain took the nomination. The Republican Party officially disbanded at midnight, and Obama welcomed the neo-cons back into the Democratic Party with open arms. Someone close to the stage heard Barack saying "Welcome Home" as the former opponents shook hands.

Per the terms of the agreement, John McCain and George Bush legally cut all ties with the words "Republican," "Liberty," "Peace," "Conservative," (Except of course, in third person with the prefix "Neo-"...) and not surprisingly, "Values." Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly openly admit they never liked those words anyway.

Ron Paul supporters jumped at the chance to reclaim the brand. The New GOP published an updated platform that very same evening, amazingly using evidence and reason to shape and explain their positions. Finally, Republicans can once again say they stand for smaller government, a solid currency, and personal liberty.

Ron Paul purchased the RNC website from Dick Cheney for $87.00 cash, which Cheney immediately devoured and washed down with virgin tears. Ron Paul removed all the content from the website and replaced it with a copy of the Constitution and a Rick Astley video

The Republican National Convention was cancelled and replaced by a Miley Cyriss concert which sold out in 8 minutes. Protesters who already booked travel and transportation are still planning to demonstrate.

Ron Paul is hosting the Rally for the Republic the very same weekend and is expecting over 10,000 liberty minded activists to come and enjoy the official launch of the Campaign for Liberty
Although Ron Paul is now the Republican Nominee - George Bush has cancelled the election and announced Dick Cheney would be charge for the rest of the term. Despite protests by everyone, Bush used powers granted to him in the "America is Great" Bill that was passed by congress Sept. 13th, 2001

The Campaign for Liberty has filed suit to contest the decisions, but all U.S. courts are on hold until Condoleezza Rice finishes her summer revisions, due date: December, 2008

- Aaron

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