Friday, August 22, 2008

Can we get Ron Paul on the ballot fast enough?

If all the third parties align behind one great candidate, we can actually do something about the 2 party system. We fail because we are a disjunctive gaggle of true believers

What if we got Ron Paul ballot access? Is it too late? I am absolutely fed up right now. McCain is a big government, nation-building Democrat and Obama is clearly marching us towards socialism AND I CAN'T TELL WHICH IS WORSE!

Lets do some math - the Campaign for Liberty should break 100,000 in a week or 2. That's 100,000, mostly activists and people who feel very strongly about Ron Paul and his message. All of these people found Ron Paul during the republican primary. If he was in the general election, we'd finally be able to unleash this furious campaign for liberty that might very well ignite a fire inside the hearts and minds of the great men and women in this great country.

Ron Paul has said he doesn't want to run 3rd party because he doesn't think it's possible to get a fair shake which is true, he wouldn't, but how did we find him? Another reason might be that it is too much work for too little results, but look at what happened during the republican primaries! He was pessimistic about 08 and now look at his success!

Remember this; the Republican primary is only relevant to so many people. There are a lot of Liberals that have aligned themselves with us after a few good conversations with a straight shooting, well spoken libertarian.

Could you imagine what would happen if Ron Paul ran as a 3rd Party?

He's always said that a third party might have some success if the person is very rich, or if they are a celebrity, well Ron Paul is a celebrity now and he's got 5 Million to spend right away when he announces it. He has a book on the NY times best seller list for 16 weeks and had no media coverage during the election. When the networks do mention Ron Paul, they always talk about how ardent his supporters are. We are an army, this campaign has changed lives. We will continues to change lives, day by day, minute by minute.

The networks would actually cover his 3rd party run for a few reasons. The main reason is to fill air time. All of us who have turned on FoxNews or CNN in the last year know that they have literally no material. They will cover anything election related. Another reason is that most people aren't happy with McBama anyway and Ralph Nader just never caught on. Ron Paul is hot of the press in 08, at least in the mainstream culture's perspective

I read that Kent Snyder, the Congressman's campaign chairman who passed away this summer, really had to push the reluctant Ron Paul into the primaries, and now there is no Kent to push him, so it has to be us!

If Ron Paul gained 1.1 Million votes in the republican Primary, he will get them again. If Ron Paul is in the general election, he will get many, many anti war liberal votes.

Most people do not like Obama's idea of America as a "Nanny State" and McCain's belligerent foreign policy. These people will either stay home, or vote for Nader this year, but remember I'm talking about this year, this is Ron Paul's year.

Back to the math

If we take Ron paul's original 1.1 million, Nader's one million, the 500,000 the Libertarians would get, the Constitution Party's 300,000 and the 100,000 from the green party

We're at 3 million before we target the other smaller parties and independents. heck, we could even take votes from Alan Keyes (50,000?) and whichever American independant party he is aligned with.

I mean this with all due respect, obviously I like Baldwin and Barr, but I'm talking about a comprehensive plan to align the third parties, in an effort to break up the clusterfuk we've had in Washington for a long time.

Three million and change. Some would say "well Obama has like a twenty times that"

Listen. Three million is a big number, and we're about to double it next week.

"How you gonna do that?"

Well, first we're going to start talking to people that wanted to vote for Clinton, then we're going to get all the rest of the disaffected democrats, then we're going to get all the disaffected Republicans, and we're going to start talking to people. Then we're going to take back this Country.

Then we're going to go talk to the Obama people. Has anyone ever spoken to a real Obama supporter?

Have they been able to identify their positions? I can't find an Obama supporter that really knows what they stand for, and most agree with Ron Paul more than Obama, they just don't know it because I don't want to burst their giddy bubbles.

Now we have identified the target audience, we can double our number in the first month.

We get to 6 million - these people will be converts, just like I was, just like everyone I know is, and it will go like that

Maybe he wont win the election, but that would be a heck of blow to the establishment and it would forever immortalize the Libertarian platform.

We'd grow

Ron Paul is the way out of this mess.

1 comment:

cindy25 said...

agree with everything you say, but you forgot to mention the one issue that could put Ron Paul in the White House:
McCain is pro-draft , and so is Joe Biden. Ron would easily get 15% in the polls, which gets him in the debates.