Saturday, August 23, 2008

Calling all Third Parties! Unite behind one ticket and break the two party system

Calling out to Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party, Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party, Cynthia McKinney and the Green Party, Ralph Nader, Ron Paul and his supporters, Hillary Clinton and her people, all disaffected Republicans, Democrats, Independants, Anarchists and Americans

Are you looking for something else this year? Are you a card carrying member of a third party already, or are you considering an alternative because your party has lost it's way? Well join the club, we're called "everyone"

From the hard line Hillary Clinton supporters that will not under any circumstances vote for Barack Obama, to the activists that inspired the Ron Paul Revolution, we all been slighted. We all know our country has lost it's direction. It seems that the zombies in the voting public are okay with the oncoming disasters while people like you and I watch in horror. Every day I try desperately to wake people up one by one. I ask you my friends and dedicated patriots to consider our options and make our voices heard.

Albeit, some would disagree, the Green Party of the United States, the American Independent Party, the Constitution Party, the Libertarian party and the Ron Paul supporters have a lot in common besides that neither Obama or McCain have solutions to the many issues facing Americans today. I will list several reasons why the so called "Third Parties" should unite behind one candidate to once and for all restore the freedom of the American People in this Great Country. If most of us were given the opportunity to break the two party system, we would all sacrifice some of our core beliefs to have a legitimate chance in the future.

1) We agree that both major parties are guilty of railroading the American people, stripping us of our basic constitutional rights and freedoms.

2) We agree that neither the Democrats nor Republicans are capable of repairing America's damaged foreign policy, nor are they capable of keeping us out of armed conflict for any significant amount of time.

3) We agree that the rules of the game have been written in such a way, that a third party acting alone will always be marginalized and stand little to no chance in actually winning an election.

4) Despite the insurmountable odds, we agree that spreading our message and growing our organizations is more important than the individual glory of winning the presidency, and our candidates suffer tremendously due to the sheer impossibility of the task laid before them, yet they push on

5) We all know that the media coverage is bought and paid for by big corporations with bigger interests in who gets elected. To compete with all of the free press, our third party would have to raise millions and millions of dollars just to get a bunch of 30 second commercials, which won't amount to anything more than a mere blip on the radar screens compared to the never ending propaganda barrage spewed forth by the advertising agencies which we inaccurately call "the news"

That's five reasons that support the idea of uniting the third parties to break the cycle.
I know there are a lot of reasons not to do it, but we can all agree that the two party system needs to be destroyed, and this might be the only way to do it.

If there is a will there is a way


Anonymous said...

How can I help? McCain /Obama are a disaster!!

1776blues said...

We need to send this out, this will be a start.