Saturday, September 20, 2008

My crazy uncle; A call for a full psychological evaluation of John McCain

Let me start off by saying that we all have a crazy uncle, and they deserve all the love and respect in the world. Their psychological conditions and impairments are of no concern to anyone but the immediate family, and that's the way it should be for everyone, almost.

I think it's a fair assumption that in order to be a successful president, one must be psychologically sound. I also think it's fair for the general voting public to be privileged to an audited psychological evaluation for all of the major candidates.

There are many reasons that I think John McCain should have a psychological evaluation and publish the results, one of the main reasons is obviously the torture as a prisoner of war. I truly value what Mr. McCain has done for our Country, but I do not feel his mentally capable to lead our country, especially in a time of crisis. Maybe I'm wrong, but the proof is in the pudding

You know, a lot of people say that Ron Paul is nuts, I would have loved to have seen this type of evaluation done during the primaries. Could you imagine the raging jingoism of Rudy Giuliani going through an inkblot test?! Ron Paul would come out evolutionary eras ahead of all the other candidates, democrat or republican.

Again, I think John McCain and Barack Obama should both have to go through psychological evaluations and publish the results before we make our decision

1 comment:

ryanshaunkelly said...


Ron and Ralph Fool's Overture. History recalls how great the fall can be, while everybody's sleeping the boats put out to sea. Borne on the wings of time, it seemed the answers were so easy to find. "Too late" the prophets cry, the island's sinking let's take to the sky. Called the man a fool, stripped him of his pride, everyone was laughing up until the day he died. And though the wound went deep, still he's calling us out of our sleep.

Apocalypse Now...